This doc represents an Outcome, or something that needs to be true to hit a strategic Goal. You can learn more about Outcomes in Backlogs and Roadmaps 101.


Strategy overview

Gitcoin Objective

What are we trying to accomplish? What is Gitcoin’s goal?

Our goal is to build a system that enables projects to accumulate reputation and verifications, so that it is easier for program managers to vet and pay out grantees. We want this system to be a core part of the Allo Protocol data layer to help create protocol stickiness among both program managers and builders. This reputation also needs to flow through seamlessly in the Grants Stack apps.

Why is this important

Why is this goal worth pursuing? Why now?

In our research with program managers, we’ve found that two of the largest pain points in running grant programs are reviewing projects and conducting KYC. They are both huge time sucks, and often require a large team and process for investigating the projects and the people behind them. While there is value in offering a diverse set of mechanisms to programs, solving this review problem is a massive unlock for scaling grants and offering the two solutions together creates a powerful value proposition for Allo Protocol.


Link to any relevant research artifacts

Research Synthesis

What did we learn in our research? Are there any key insights that should be shared here?

While the title of this outcome is “project reputation”, the core user here is really the program manager. They see project reputation and trust as a key input into both round eligibility (who can receive funds) and paying out (who has been KYC’d), but doing the necessary research to understand a project’s legitimacy is an incredibly time-intensive process. If we can successfully reduce the time that goes into those processes we can offer a market-defining feature.