Our server has been setup with the music bot Groot so contributors can play music during calls! You can use this guide to help get you started.
Note: Anyone should be able to use Groot. If you have issues, please send a DM to ‣
/join - Makes the bot join your voice channel
/247 - Enables 24/7 mode and stays in the vc even after the song ends
/leave - Leave the voice channel and reset the player
/play - Plays song from the search
/pause - Pauses the currently playing track
/queue - Display the queue of this server
/clear - Removes all tracks from the queue and stops the player
In order to play music for you, you’ll need to invite Groot into the voice channel your call is in. To do this, simply go to the channels chat and type in the command /join
. If you want Groot to be in the channel 24/7, you can use the command /247
You can verify this worked if you see Groot in your channel
Alternatively, when you’re done with Groot you can use the command /leave
to kick the bot out.
Groot has two methods for playing music: immediate play and a queue.