The Gitcoin Grants Program is committed to fostering a vibrant, ethical, and inclusive Open Source Software (OSS) ecosystem. Our comprehensive eligibility criteria are designed to ensure that all participating projects adhere to high standards of ethical conduct, legal compliance, and community values. This framework promotes a respectful and safe environment, encouraging genuine innovation and contributions to the open-source community.

Ethical and Community Standards

Open-Source Principles and Project Activity

This eligibility framework is devised to ensure that the projects we support are aligned with the foundational values of the Gitcoin Grants Program and actively contribute to the growth and integrity of the OSS ecosystem. Projects that violate these guidelines will face disqualification from consideration, underscoring our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and community engagement.

Projects meeting only 2 of these criteria will undergo manual review; those not meeting at least two are ineligible. This ensures projects are established and actively contributing to the OSS ecosystem.

In addition to these guidelines, each funding round will feature specific eligibility requirements tailored to that segment's unique objectives and needs. This dual-layered approach allows us to maintain a consistent foundation of values across the OSS ecosystem while addressing the distinct characteristics and challenges of different areas within open source development.

Evaluation Process

Our evaluation process combines quantitative measures, such as adherence to open-source licensing and active development indicators, with qualitative assessments, including the project's contribution to the OSS ecosystem, community engagement, and innovation.

GG20 OSS Rounds

The selection of GG20 OSS funding rounds is a strategic effort to address key areas within the Open Source Software (OSS) ecosystem with the potential for substantial impact, innovation, and advancement. These rounds support the ecosystem's diverse needs—from nurturing nascent ideas showcased in hackathons to strengthening the foundational protocols that ensure the ecosystem's security and robustness. Each round highlights and supports different facets of OSS development, recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to fostering growth and sustainability.