Who can submit topics for publishing?

Between May and July, the Thought Leadership Program will focus on strengthening its capabilities and evaluating all the ideas in the pipeline that can be published. While individuals who have already established thought leadership are natural candidates, we encourage everyone to consider nominating themselves for a topic they are passionate about.

What topics are relevant for the program?

During Phase 1 (through July), all topics are welcome to be submitted. You can refer to this link for a list of potential topics. In Phase 2 (starting from August), we will add more structure and focus on strategic topics related to Gitcoin Products, along with supporting scripts and templates.

What happens once I submit the intake form?

We will collaborate with you to create a content brief for the topic you have submitted, using any existing references or notes or content that you have provided. Depending on the level of detail in the inputs, we can provide a range of support, from ghostwriting the content for you to selectively assisting in the writing process based on your preference.

Where will the content be published?

One marker of the program's success is our ability to position you as an esteemed expert in your field and to enhance the Gitcoin brand through your association with the DAO. You will have access to the content to share on your personal profiles, and we will feature you on the Gitcoin Blog and Twitter.