Yes, there are many experiments going on right now in the web2 and web3 edu-space (Synthesis, Primer, Curious Cardinals,, Questbook, _buildspace, RabbitHole, Studygram, and so on...).
But they are all targeting a different kind of an audience - which is highly overlapping. None of them solves for open schooling, crypto credentials, free learning, and incentive design in a holistic manner for all the contributors involved.
Learners and teachers have limited time to learn and teach. They get tired of playing two different games - the traditional school/university/certificates game AND these emerging edu-games. Let's play one unified, holistic, positive-sum game where everybody wins.
"a DeSchooled society would be a society in which everyone shall have the widest and freest possible choice to learn whatever he wants to learn, whether in school or in some altogether different way." - John Holt
We're interested in building the base-layer platform upon which a few affordances are built in:
We believe in a few key things: