Video Walkthrough 📽️

Detailed Walkthrough 🛣️

To start, let’s create a program. Think of a Grant Program as the container under which you can run different grants. First off, head over to Grants Stack Manager. It is where you can manage all of the programs you have created or have been added as a Round Operator.

Gitcoin | Round Manager

Once on the site, click the + Create Program Button on the top of the page:


You will indicate your program's name, chain, and wallet address from here. You can also add additional Round Operators to the program. Once these details are plugged in, hit Save and 👀 as Grants Stack deploys your program on-chain ⛓️



We have quite a few chains already integrated with more in the backlog. If you would like to discuss Grants Stack integrating a new chain, reach out to us, and we can walk you through the requirements for that integration.