1. What does this working group plan to achieve? (and what Essential Intent(s) the group is aiming to serve)

We will evolve and refine Gitcoin’s brand through a phased approach outlined in our project roadmap. We are targeting essential intents:

1) Protocol Adoption 

2) Grants Program Success 

3) DAO Organization 
  1. What workstreams require representation?

    MMM will lead this initiative in partnership with DAO Ops and seek advice/feedback from all other workstreams.

  2. Who are the (either) a) a list of agreed-upon participants of the group or b) a list of suggestions of who should be part of the group?

    Name Workstream Project Role Responsibilities DACI
    Alexa Lombardo MMM Brand Team Brand Strategist / Project Lead - Create project plan
  3. What are the roles & responsibilities in the working group?

    See above 👆

  4. What is the workflow of this group, including at what points CSDO will be invited for input? A list of phases is outlined in the project roadmap. Each phase will cycle through the following steps for proposal development:

    Step Driver Contributor(s)
    1. Kick-off meeting to start ideating content for further input. Alexa MMM Brand Team & appropriate reps from other WS to ideate
    2. Ideas summarized into recommendations for review Alexa MMM Brand to give feedback
    3. Recommendations sent for review by the Brand Working Group Alexa WG to give feedback & advice
    4. Integrate feedback in doc - if there are many questions that cannot be answered async, a meeting will be creating to address questions and concerns. Alexa Support upon request.
    5. Share proposal with CSDO and solicit feedback Laura
    6. Integrate final feedback and create gov post (where applicable) Alexa & Laura
  5. What are the roles & responsibilities of CSDO in the working group’s outputs? CSDO has stated in CSDO (Cross Stream DAO Ops) #45 that they would like to be informed of the process and ask that they advice is sought out from them at key milestones of the project (i.e. at the end of each phase) through async communications.

  1. Who will drive the working group and what are their high-level responsibilities? Alexa Lombardo: Main project driver and cat herder of folks internal to the WS Laura Banks: cat herder of folks external to the WS

  2. Where will the group communicate and at what cadence?

    Our Discord home is the #mmm-brand channel in the Gitcoin discord server

    Our Notion home is Gitcoin Brand Evolution (under MMM >> Brand Hub >> Intiatives)

  3. Any other relevant details