This doc represents an Outcome, or something that needs to be true to hit a strategic Goal. You can learn more about Outcomes in Backlogs and Roadmaps 101.


Strategy overview

Gitcoin Objective

What are we trying to accomplish? What is Gitcoin’s goal?

One of our Goals for Season 17 is to Productize Quadratic Funding on Grants Stack, so that it is easy and intuitive for round operators to run a grants round on the protocol. We believe that improving the overall usability of the application and review flow will help us accomplish this.

Why is this important

Why is this goal worth pursuing? Why now?

Making improvements to our overall application & review flow will enable project owners to apply to grant rounds more seamlessly, as well as enable round operators to review grant applications with ease. The easier the application and review process is, the faster we will be able to scale protocol adoption, as measured by the number of rounds running on the protocol.


Link to any relevant research artifacts

Research Synthesis

What did we learn in our research? Are there any key insights that should be shared here?

With respect to application & review flows, we learned that currently the grant review process is very time-intensive and a lot of it happens off-platform, which is not ideal. We also learned that Program Managers want to have more customizability and control over their round applications, so that they can best determine if projects have met their acceptance criteria. We also learned that Builders were frustrated with having to pay gas fees whenever they edited their project, applied to a round, etc. This was compounded with the frustration they felt when they realized they couldn’t edit their project after the round had started, and they realized there was a typo in their project description, for example.

Problem Overview

High-level user problems